Pedaling Petals Values:

  1. We will inspire new gardeners to grow dahlias.
  2. We will use flowers to give back to our community.
  3. We will grow locally and sustainably.
  4. Gardener, community, and the earth before profit.

Beginner collections

We will offer collections of dahlias that are easy to grow, produce many flowers, and produce many tubers at a reasonable price.

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Beginner dahlias

Our aim is to provide a selection of beautiful dahlias that we have tested to be consistently easy to grow, produce many flowers throughout the summer, and are at a reasonable price.

Shop now!

Dahlia growing email course

We will offer a grow dahlias along with us this summer educational email course. Starting in May and thru the month of November we will send a monthly email sharing our growing tasks for the month and how we do those tasks so you can follow along with us in your own garden!

Sign up below and grow dahlias with us this summer!